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'How to Do a Diamond Push Up 1) Begin in a regular push-up position, on all fours with your legs extended straight out behind you. Your hands should come together to form a diamond shape on the ground. This means that the tips of the index fingers and thumbs will be touching. 2) The diamond should be directly below the chest, and your back should be straight. 3) Inhale, and slowly descend into a push-up, keeping the elbows tight to the body. 4) Just before your chest touches the floor, exhale and push yourself back up to the starting position. You have now learned how to perform the Diamond Push Up! Read more about the Diamond Push Up in our in-depth article: https://www.yourhousefitness.com/blog/exercise-tutorial-diamond-push-up CONNECT WITH US Website: https://www.yourhousefitness.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourhousefitness Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yourhousefitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourhousefit'
See also: ZUMBA , fitness model , senior fitness , strength training , Most , tiny waist , muscles , pers , aerobik , balle
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